Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #2 Jim Wideman

I remember when I first met Jim Wideman, I was very new in kids ministry and I was blown away with what God did at Church On The Move. I was amazed at the environments Brother Jim had created and the team he had built.

I was so blessed by Brother Jim’s ministry and was challenged by God to not settle for what always had been done and my eyes where opened to what kids ministry outside of the box looked like. After spending a week at with the Church On The Move staff, I went home challenged and impressed with Brother Jim’s leadership.

This year I enrolled in Infuse and have gotten to know Brother Jim personally over the past few months and he is still the same guy I met many years ago. Brother Jim is an amazing leader and if you are a kids pastor and have never ever heard of, read about or talked to someone who mentioned Brother Jim you must be a youth pastor (ha). I appreciate and value what Brother Jim has to say because I believe he has stayed in kids ministry despite many people persuading him to “Do real ministry” and become a Lead pastor. I know that he hears God’s voice and obeys HIs leading. I have met his family and they are the real fruit of his ministry to be successful in any area of life and still have a family that loves and respects you is no small feat. Lastly I appreciate Brother Jim because he is a what we call in NY “a chops buster” nothing is sacred and you need to be on your A game. He just loves life.

I truly believe that Brother Jim is a voice pouring into the next generation of kids ministry. He is using what God has given him to multiply his impact and I am challenged by his life and example daily.

You may say that’s great for you but how do I get to know brother Jim. (I assure you this is not a commercial just practical suggestions to stalk brother Jim without being a stalker.)

1. Read his books – I know for me I have many of my questions answered that I would ask someone if I ever met them by just reading the books they write. IMHO his Children’s Ministry Leadership book by group is a MUST read for every kids pastor especially if you are new to kids ministry.

2. Go to his breakouts at conferences he speaks at. He is going to be at Napkin this year. It is going to be a kids conference like no other don’t miss it.

3. Join “The Club” he does a monthly leadership podcast full of kid ministry leadership goodness. If you are under 30 it is free.

4. Follow Him on Twitter – @jimwideman

5. Join CMconnect and send him a message. For as busy as he is I am amazed at how much he cares enough to answer questions people ask him.

6. Join Infuse – It is a personal discipleship group where he will take you and about 20 other kids leaders through leadership principles that will help you grow as a leader plus you will get to know leaders from all over the country. I love his passion and candor in our discussions. I am really enjoying Infuse so far it’s sort of a Jimwideman backstage pass.

Well that’s my case why Jim Wideman should be the #2 Kids ministry resource.

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #2 Jim Wideman”

  1. It is all very true what Sam says above. Jim has been and still is one of those “True” people. What you see is what you get and believe me because Jim has such a huge thumb print in the world of kids ministry you can see a ton of Jim around.

    Great “resource” Sam.

  2. Jim Wideman is my daddy. I am very proud of that. I love him so much. I’ve heard everything he shares many times over…my personal favorite teaching of his is “Serving Another Mans Ministry”….his love for people at the churches he works at, everywhere he goes, and the leaders he meets is what makes him special and authentic.

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