Pastor, What Do You Agonize Over?

Last week I attended Together For The Gospel a conference for Pastors. So man incredible sessions one that stood out to me was a message by John MacArthur on Sanctification and the Pastor’s Passion. Such a powerful reminder to us all of what matters most. In life and ministry, we can become sidetracked by good things but still distracted by what we are called to do. We can so easily get caught up in things that we think will make a difference. Dr. MacArthur offers a clear call back to what matters what pastors as shepherds are called to do.

Here is what John MacArthur says.

Ask yourself be real honest, “What pains you in the ministry, what disappoints you, what depresses you? Is it the carnality, the lack of devotion to Christ, sin weakness in your people. If it is then you are a true shepherd. But if it’s about you somehow you have managed to get seriously off track. Someone came to Moody onetime and said my congregation is too small. To which Moody replied “Maybe they are as large as you would like to give account for in the day of judgment. You will not be judged on the size of your membership or the size of your auditorium, you will be judged you will give an account Hebrews tells us, on the Christlikeness of your people. Agonize over that.

So powerful. What do you agonize over? Your influence or lake thereof or your people’s Christlikeness. Pastor lets by God’s grace agonize over that.

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