Spiritually Parenting Families

Michelle Anthony – Spiritually parenting families

Our role becomes not to do ministry programs for families but to do redemptive ministry to with, and through families.

6 dysfunctional parenting styles

1. double minded
2. I can’t say no
3. Driver
4. micro managing
5. Criticizer
6. Absentee

We have to pursue Christ we get abundant life. When we go after the abundant life we get dysfunction.

Abundant life is a great byproduct but a horrible pursuit.

We have to be disciple makers. Programs don’t fix this.

renew your mind – we need to get people in the Word of God.
Take an honest look at your past – If everything is fun and rah rah you miss opportunities to deal with pain redemptively.
Allow ourselves to mourn –

Walk in step towards the new life that God has called us to. – We need to celebrate steps not perfection.

Spiritually healthy parent –


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