Weekend Reading 3-20-2015

What Books I’m Reading

Culture Making by Andy Crouch

Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower

What Blog Posts I’m Reading now

Pastors keep a close watch on your life and illustrations by Jared Wilson – Love Jared’s candor and his desire for preaching to be both practical and trans-formative. If you preach to any age group check out this post.

Teaching kids about Prayer and Fasting by Dale Hudson – Great post on the practical ways you can help kids connect with God and be apart of a church wide time of prayer and fasting.

Mom’s Need Theology Too by Christina Fox – While books with practical tips are useful for some things, the hope they provide can be short-lived. In truth, it is in theology, in our study of who God is and what he has done, that gives us the real hope, real wisdom, and real peace that we need in our lives — the kind that lasts. It’s theology — knowing God — that anchors us in the chaos of motherhood.

God Doesn’t Need Your Help by Jared Wilson –  Love this quote – “I fear that thousands of younger persons enter Christian service from no higher motive than to help deliver God from the embarrassing situation His love has gotten Him into and His limited abilities seem unable to get Him out of.” Boom.

Freely: High Quality Free Christian Photos by Church Mag –  A new Source for free high quality photos need I say more.

Pablo: Create engaging social media images in 30 seconds or less by Church Mag – love this.

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