Free Bible Lesson 1 & 2 Corinthians: The Book of Giving

Corinthians – The Book of Giving
Key Point – Why do we give and who do we give to?
Memory Verse – Proverbs 28:27 “27 whoever gives to the poor will have everything he needs”

Skit – Hal the hoarder – A guy who hoards what he has never gains friends and never blesses anyone because he is so worried about losing what is his instead of being a giver.

Skit – Mom and Son – there is a homeless looking man sitting on a bench a mom and a child walk by the mother hurries by trying to protect her son from the homeless man. The son stops and asks the mom if they can give money to the homeless man. The mom immediately says no. The boy then explains that in kids church he learned that God blesses those who give to the poor. The mom doesn’t really know what to say. She says what do you mean. The boy explains that the he learned in kids church that the Bible promises us that the more we give to the poor and to those in need the more God will bless you in every way. I want to give that man some money mom but Pastor Sam says that I have to ask your permission first and whatever you say we should do we will do. The mom thinks for a while and decides that they will go over and give the homeless man some money. They do and they share God’s love with the man. He is very grateful. The boy is very excited that God can use them. The mom says to the boy thank you for obeying God. I think that I learned something very important today. They walk off talking about how they can’t wait for the next opportunity to give to someone in need.

Object Lesson – Does God need our money? No, but he wants our hearts? The bible teaches our hearts and our money are connected. Bring a 20$ bill on the stage with you and ask the kids if you gave them the 20$ what would they spend it on? Boys prob video games Girls perhaps American Girl something or Barbie. We spend money on what we find valuable. When we give our money to God it says two things, 1. That he is infinitely more valuable than anything we can own. 2. That we trust God to take care of us better than we can take care of our selves, better than our parents can take care of us.

Object Lesson – Hold money in your hand very tightly show how hard it is to take out and then show equally how hard it is to put money into the hand.

Bible Story – Widows mite – it is not how much you give but how you give. What moved Christ heart was they widow gave all she had. In the same way God gave us his best in Christ. Our giving should be the extravagant response of a thankful heart. Realizing all that God has done for us in Jesus, makes us grateful and gratefulness results in generosity. Mark 12:42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

Puppet – Puppet confused because he gave a quarter to a poor person and he still doesn’t have 2 game boy advances. The MC explains that having 2 game boy advances is not necessarily something he need to survive. The puppet disagrees. The MC explains that God promises us that he will provide all our needs, but one thing we can’t do when give to people who need it. Is give with a wrong heart attitude, giving only to get.

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