Do Saturday Emails Increase Sunday Church Attendance?


I’m always a sucker for info graphics. I came across this one from the people at unSeminary. I started sending out summaries of my blog posts on Saturdays so this blog post caught my attention. It was fascinating and  the results definitely have made me think. This is something we will start doing at our church at some point. Here are a few interesting findings from the research.

  • 57% of the churches that sent emails saw a week-over-week increase in attendance.
  • The average attendance increase in those churches was 13%.
  • The increase in attendance amongst all the churches was over 1,000 people … imagine that … over 1,000 more people went to church because (at least in part) they were emailed and asked to attend.

For some examples of the kinds of emails those church sent and for the rest of the article you can click here.


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