3 Things I learned from Infuse


Over five years ago I signed up for Infuse. It was something new. Not a lot of people were doing coaching at the time. I didn’t really know what to expect. I remember contacting my friend Kenny and talking with him about it. We both decided to do it. It would turn out to be and answer to prayer that I prayed 10 years earlier asking God to send someone across my path that could help me avoid stupid mistakes in ministry. Through it God used helped to clarify my life mission.

If you are asking what is Infuse? Great question. Infuse is a 6 month coaching program like no other. You get to personally connect with Jim Wideman who has led Children’s and Youth Ministry for more than 30 years. Infuse is part discipleship part conference part facebook. If you are in kids and youth ministry I would strongly urge you to consider Infuse. It’s all the best parts of a conference for 6 months rather than 3 days.

Over the next few days I am going to talk about the three things that I have learned from Infuse.

1. Ask good questions
2. Staff level volunteers
3. Practice Thankfulness

1 thought on “3 Things I learned from Infuse”

  1. Pingback: 3 things I learned from Infuse: Thankfulness - samluce.com

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