North Star Catechism


One of the amazing things about the internet is it allows you to meet people you would never meet anywhere else. One of those people I am grateful to have met a couple of ash Wednesdays ago was Jared Kennedy. I love Jared’s passion for the gospel and the application of the gospel for families. Every time I have a conversation with Jared I always learn something and come away with a greater passion for Christ. During one of those conversations he told me of an idea they were working on that is now a reality.

Sojourn Kids has produced an amazing resource for families and those who work with families. They have created a catechism that breathes doctrine and conveys grace. Our kids need to have the foundations of their faith firmly founded in doctrine that has weathered the centuries. I know that I find myself drawn to cleverness and cutesieness when what our kids really need is to understand the doctrine and the truths many early Christians gave their lives for.

I don’t say this to simply be dramatic but our kids need to not just know about the bible they need to understand the bible. That is why I am such a huge fan of Catechism. It forces both the parent and the child to discuss, internalize and memorize things that will force them to have a much grander view of God and the gospel.

Here is what their website has to say about the North Star Catechism –

Whether or not we sail across troubled seas, Christians are all pilgrims. For thousands of years, travelers have been guided on their journey by focusing on a fixed point in the night sky: the North Star. While other stars appear to shift with the passing of time, the North Star remains anchored in the same position. This celestial gift allowed people to know where they were and where they needed to go. Our prayer is that the North Star Catechism will provide this same kind of clarity.

North Star Catechism Flash Cards ($5.00)
Click Here to Purchase!

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North Star Scout Book 1: God’s Glory, Q & A #1-15
($3.00) Click Here to Purchase!

Scout Book    Scout Book 2 

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