What is effectiveness?


This question gets asked more than many questions because people want to know how well they are doing. I don’t care if you are a CEO of a fortune 500 company or a stay at home mom each of us desires to know if we are being effective. I recently re-read a book called “The Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker. Drucker opens the book by defining what effectiveness is. He says effectiveness is not doing things right it is the ability to get the right things done.

He explains that effectiveness is not a secret to be discovered it is rather a habit to be formed. I thought I would do a few posts breaking down some of the big thoughts around the 5 practices that Drucker says effective people practice.

Those 5 habits of the mind are:

1. Effective executives know where their time goes.
2. Effective executives focus on outward contribution they gear their efforts to results rather than to work3. Effective executives build on their strengths
4. Effective executives concentrate on the few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results.
5. Effective executives make effective decisions.


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