Free Bible Lesson Zechariah: Angels are real


Zechariah– Book of Angels
Are Angels real?

Key Point – Angels are real.
Memory Verse – Psalms 34:7 “The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear God, and he saves them.” (NCV)

Skit – Have a few people come out and say that they love angels thinks they should worship angels they love them come out dressed like one MC explains we are not to worship them. The MC tells the group that angels are servants of God that help us and do certain things as messengers or representatives of God. There is nothing wrong with thinking angels are cool. But we are never to worship angels. Col. 2:17 tells we are not to worship angels. We are to worship God alone.

Object lesson – Mega phone – God’s messengers – Gabriel – Explain how Gabriel was one of Arc Angels in Heaven. He is one of the Top Angels in heaven he can be seen throughout the Bible proclaiming things telling people the Good News of Jesus Birth, warning and protecting people from harm.

Object lesson – Large sword – God’s protectors – Michael – Explain how Gabriel was one of Arc Angels in Heaven. He is one of the Top Angels in heaven he can be seen throughout the Bible Protecting people and executing judgment. Michael is the angel that protected many people in the Bible. He was the angel that fought against the devil to make sure that Daniel’s prayers were answered.

Puppet – Comes up with sling on his arm – Man’s Helpers – explains how an angel protected them in a car accident. A puppet come up explains how he was in a car accident and how he saw and angel keep them from falling off a cliff. It was so scary he should have been hurt worse the only thing that happened was that he got a slight sprained arm. The doctors in the hospital said that it must be a miracle. The puppet said that it was he told the doctor the story and lead the doctor to Christ.

Bible Story – Matthew 2:13 – Tell the story about how the God used an angel to Joseph to go to Egypt along with Mary and baby Jesus to escape the anger of King Herod. God used an angel to protect his only begotten Son. In the same way He sends angels and His Holy Spirit to protect us to help us.

Small Group


  1. Are angels real?
  2. What do angels do?
  3. What is a messenger?
  4. What is a representative?
  5. Are we to worship angels?
  6. What verse tells us this? (col 2:17)
  7. Name the two Arc Angels of heaven. What does each one do?
  8. Do angels protect us?
  9. How was an angel used in the Bible story?
  10. Did Joseph obey?
  11. Where did Joseph, Mary and Jesus stay until Herod died?
  12. Who are we to worship alone?

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