Free Bible Lesson Haggai: Putting God First


Haggai – Book of Right Priorities
Putting God first!

Key Point – Put God first
Memory Verse – Matthew 6:33  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Skit – WWJD – If God isn’t first he isn’t first – Boy wakes up puts on a WWJD tee-shirt and says that he wants to put God first but other stuff gets in the way. He says that this is the day that Jesus is going to  come before everything he goes to read his bible something comes up he goes to pray and his friends convince him to play with them instead of praying at the end of the day he is frustrated his father tucks him in the boy says that his day did not go very well at all. His father asks if he took his own shirts advice. What Would Jesus Do. The boy says that Jesus would spend time with God. The father says that he is correct. Jesus always did the will of God when he was here on earth. Jesus always put his relationship with God first before anything else. Father tells the boy that he needs to remember to put God first.

Skit – If God isn’t first He is Last. Have two signs one that says First another that says Last. Have one person standing representing Jesus a person first comes out and puts the First sign in Jesus’ hands representing how Jesus is first in His life. A parade of friends come by all offering the young man something different, one person offers friendship another offers entertainment etc… To make friends first and entertainment first he has to take the “First Sign” from Jesus and replace it with the Last sign. The point of the skit is to show kids that if Jesus is not first he is last. Kids in all that you do Put God First.

Object lesson –Who is #1 in your life (use a foam hand)– talk about how many people put sports first – We need to get excited about Jesus. – People go crazy at Sports games because it is what is important. We get excited about what we love most. We need to get excited about Jesus we need to put him first.

Object lesson – Where you spend you money and time shows what is first in your life. – Big watch out of Cardboard – Big money out of cardboard where we spend our time show what is important. What you buy shows what is important our time and our money reflect our love for Jesus.

Bible Story – Luke 18:18-23 Rich young ruler

Small Group


  1. What do we need to do every day?
  2. How can we do this?
  3. What happens if something else comes along?
  4. What did Jesus do?
  5. Did Jesus always do what the Lord asked? Why?
  6. Where do you spend your money and time?
  7. Does this show what’s first in your life?
  8. What did the young ruler have first in his life?
  9. Was he able to see everything and follow Jesus?
  10. What is important to you?



2 thoughts on “Free Bible Lesson Haggai: Putting God First”

  1. Pingback: “Obey the Lord” Sunday School Lesson, Haggai 1:1-11, June 1, 2014 | Word For Life Says . . .

  2. Pingback: “Trust God’s Promises” Sunday School Lesson, Haggai 1:12; 2:1-9, June 8, 2014 | Word For Life Says . . .

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