3 Reasons why I love Group’s Kidmin Conference

group kidmin conference

Why I love Group’s Kidmin Conference.

For the past 3 years I have had the opportunity to take part in Groups Kidmin Conference. Christine Yount Jones and her team do a phenomenal job. Here is a few of the reasons why I like coming back each year.

  1. I hate deadlines and I love deadlines – Chris and her team keep all the speakers well-informed and force us to be clear on our content as well as provide personalized feedback. Why all of this? Because Chris is passionate about the breakouts being as dynamic as the keynotes.
  2. The keynotes are a mix of people who do keynotes for a living and people who do kids ministry for a living. As a local church pastor. I like that.
  3. They are very intentional perhaps most intentional of any conference I have been to about creating opportunities for personal connections and personal ministry.

I am honored to be apart of the 3rd annual event. Looking forward to seeing all my friends and to meeting new friends. Can’t wait to share what God has put on my heart for leaders as well as learn from what God is doing.

If you are going to Group’s KidMin conference please find me and say hi. I would love to hear what God is doing in your church!

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