15 Years of marriage!


Today I celebrate 15 years of marriage to my beautiful wife Sandra. When you have been married to someone for 15 years you really begin to know them.  I am grateful to say that I am more in love with Sandra today 15 years from the day we said “I do.” We have trust, love and forgiveness that only is a result of our trust in a Savior that both loves us and forgives us far more than we deserve. There are so many things about my wife I love an appreciate but if I could boil them all down to one thing it would be that she loves me. Every girl I had met before her liked the thought of me more than actually loving me for me. I love that Sandra loves me for me. When I fall short, when I fail and when I succeed she rejoices and cries with me.

I could not ask for a better partner in life, ministry and the Gospel. She is my proofreader, my stupid thought squasher, my cheerleader, my comforter, my refuge in tough times. She is my lover, my friend and I grow in my love for her as I have the privilege to daily lay my life down for her.

Sandra if there is one idol I struggle with more than anything it would be you and our kids. I continue to ask God for the grace to love you and our kids in a way that is found in Him. That He would be my treasure and as He is everything to us that our love for each other would only grow sweeter.

Baby you mean the world to me!

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