2 tools every church needs to use to accept credit cards


No matter what size your church is you have to be able to accept credit cards. Our days as a cash based society are numbered if not over. Here are two tools we use at our church to allow us to accept credit card payments.

Push Pay – is the creative, secure, new solution for mobile payments. It’s designed for two simple purposes: to help organisations improve their business, and simplify everyday payments for anyone with a smart phone. Load your debit or credit card once, and make payments with ease!

How we use it – Push pay is what we use to help people who are newer to church give for the first time. We also use push pay to allow those who already give to give for a special offering. This will not make up the bulk of our giving it does allow for people who prefer to operate cashless to give spontaneously.

Square – Square was created by one of the co-creators of twitter. It is brilliant in its design and overall simplicity. We use it for everything from receiving payments for camp and the sales of books and lattes. We are in the process of changing over our cash registers to square so we can accept both cash and credit/debit. I love the simplicity of Square it just works. If you want to make your next sign-up for camp easier use square.



2 thoughts on “2 tools every church needs to use to accept credit cards”

  1. Hey Sam,

    Our church is considering getting PushPay, but I’m confused by your statement, “This will not make up the bulk of our giving it does allow for people who prefer to operate cashless to give spontaneously.” What do you mean by this?

    1. In our context we don’t have a ton of tech savvy people so for us pushpay doesn’t make up the bulk of our giving. Many younger people use it and we use it as a way for people who give online to have a tech way to give spontaneously to a special offering. Does that make sense?

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