Yancy just came out with a brand new CD and now she has an amazing app that accompanies it.
When Yancy recorded her newest album Roots for the Journey she knew these songs were special. The music, organic, unplugged and simple was something that adults of all ages would be eager to listen to again and again. The message in the songs timeless because each song is centered on scriptures from God’s Word. Yancy spends most of her time doing family concerts and making music and worship resources that play in minivans and churches worldwide. So, how could she mix her audience that ranges from preteen all the way down to preschool (through the Little Praise Party series) with this new music she created?
So the idea/dream got a little bigger. What if she made an app to help parent teach their kids these Biblical truths? What if we could give parents tools to make these scriptures come alive to their children? Meet the Roots for the Journey App available for iPhone, iPad and Android.
The app provides family devotions, conversations, activities, prayers and more. Being an app, it isn’t just about being at home, in the living room and having spiritual time for a hour. You could do parts of the devotion on the go, in the car, during dinner or whenever your family is gathered together. There are multiple ways you can talk about and reinforce the truth of God’s Word. The song as you listen will help that message be tied to a melody that kids can latch onto and sing. Music is an amazing way to communicate. We remember songs from long ago. The same is true for your kids. So, having the music is a tool that will reinforce the lessons, conversations, activities and prayers. Most importantly we want to help families hide God’s word in their hearts. Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. (NIV)
Yancy asked Children’s and Family Ministry friends from around the world to help her make these Biblical truths come alive. The app contributors are:
• Sam Luce
• Ryan and Beth Frank (K Magazine/Awana)
• Gina McClain
• Beth Guckenberger
• Dave & Beci Wakerley (Hillsong)
• Johnny Rogers (KidMo)
• Jonathan Cliff
• Jenny Funderburke
• Jason Martin
• Jen Galley
• Sara Richards
• Brian Dollar (High Voltage)
Amanda White from www.ohamanda.com did all the activities. You will love the way you can do simple activities to illustrate the truth of God’s Word to your kids.
• iPhone https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/roots-for-the-journey/id647377769?mt=8
• iPad https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/roots-for-the-journey/id647377769?mt=8
• Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yancynotnancy.roots462&feature=search_result – t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS55YW5jeW5vdG5hbmN5LnJvb3RzNDYyIl0.
• iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/roots-for-the-journey/id643556110
• YancynotNancy.com http://www.yancynotnancy.com/product-category/