Why I picked Feedly to be my new RSS reader


After looking online for other options due Google killing it’s still very popular Google reader I settled on Feedly.com.

1. It’s Free – I didn’t want to pay a subscription for my RSS service.
2. It’s Web-based and mobile
3. The workflow is very like Google Reader but with some welcome changes.
4. It’s social media integration is better than google’s
5. Syncs across all devices.
6. Seamlessly imports all your google feeds

Importing your Google Reader account
To import your google reader feeds and categories over to feedly, simply login to your feedly using your google account. Feedly will automatically sync your Google Reader account with feedly.

7. Allows for minimalistic reading (my favorite) or a more visual approach (love the flexibility)

Overall have used feedly for the past week and so far so google who?

7 thoughts on “Why I picked Feedly to be my new RSS reader”

  1. I ended up in the same place. I like the feel of Feedly (I already use Flipboard on the iPad, so it wasn’t a big adjustment). I’m still getting used to adding new RSS feeds, etc, and I took the opportunity to clean up (reorganize and delete) my existing feeds in Google Reader before they discontinue it.

    1. I have Flipboard – I don’t like it. I find the over visual format distracting. I also do a lot of blog reading on my laptop. I do like the option Feedly gives you to be more informational or visual based on preferences you set.

  2. Thanks for the tips, Sam. I’ve been wondering what to go to since I got the news about Google Reader. These are a great place to start!

    1. Thanks Jeff there are quite a few out there these were the best in my opinion and are at least a good place to start. I like feedly but it’s all workflow and preference.

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