Helping your boys understand what makes a man.


As a father one of the best things I can do for my boys is to teach them how a man acts. With the lack of positive male roll models in the media and the general confusion of roles in society today, if you don’t take time to intentionally teach your boys how to be a man they will grow up confused at best.

I have two boys and one girl and boys are very different than girls. Here is what I find with our boys they learn through repetition  they push back more than my daughter, they learn from watching me more than I realize. It’s important that I have intentional conversations with them about what a man is and what a man isn’t. It’s important that I do this often and in various ways. It’s also important that I model to them what a man does by how I treat my wife.

Here are some of things I tell my boys men do:

1. Protect those who are smaller and weaker than them.
2. Tell the truth
3. Work hard
4. Ask for help when you need help
5. Trust God more than you trust yourself.

4 thoughts on “Helping your boys understand what makes a man.”

  1. I do think this is such a need — so many boys have no one to look up to or inappropriate role models. Do you have any book recommendations for dads who want to be good role models?

    Lindsey @

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