3 Things Every Kids Pastor Wants Their Youth Pastor to Know


One of the things I have always been blessed is youth pastors who really get the value of kids ministry. The more I talk with kids pastors from around the country I have come to find out that is far from the norm. I have heard stories that would make you laugh to stories that would make you cry and everything in between.

The past 10 years the word that has dominated in kids and youth ministry culture is “family ministry.” A family pastor is something that never existed in title although it did in function in a few churches. I believe the drive and passion for family ministry have had a powerful effect on the focus of churches when it comes to next Generation ministry. The beautiful side benefit of this drive has been a much-needed closing of the relational gap between youth pastors and kids pastors. It is by no means complete but is far closer today than it was even 8 years ago.

That being said here are 3 things I think every kid’s pastor wants their youth pastor to know.

1. The success of my ministry is determined by the health of yours. – One of the biggest mistakes any church can make is creating ministry silos. Ministry happens best in healthy, highly relational environments. Too many kids, pastors try to keep kids longer than they should to many youth pastors try to attract kids sooner than they should. If the goal of our environments is solely numbers you will manipulate people and figures to get what you want. If the ultimate goal is life change and gospel proclamation you will care more about the health of the environment you are preparing the kids you are ministering to, for.

2. I want the same things as you – Rather than fight for cool points (a fight most kids pastors will lose to a youth pastor every time). How about sitting down sharing a cup of coffee and share with each other what your dream for your kid is. In most cases, you will find that you are both fighting for the same thing. If you both equally value the gospel you will celebrate and even learn from the differing methods to communicate and transfer that value to the kids and families you serve.

3. My job is just as hard as yours just in a different way – Being a kids pastor is hard. Being a youth pastor is hard. They are both hard in a different way. The children’s pastor must ground children biblically. They must do so at multiple age levels at once, as a result, learn to manage multiple environments and multiple groups of volunteers. Kids pastors have to balance safety, fun, security and gospel clarity. Kids pastors understand that the issues youth pastors face are very serious but youth pastors need to understand that to a kid losing a pet is a serious of a loss as to losing a girlfriend or boyfriend is to a 15-year-old. Preparing to speak to teenagers every week is difficult but so is preparing 4-20 people to speak each week.

4 thoughts on “3 Things Every Kids Pastor Wants Their Youth Pastor to Know”

  1. Excellent bridge from children’s to youth ministry. It’s all about a shared vision around Jesus! Thank you for this post – I feel very blessed that our church, Puyallup Foursquare, does this.

    Thank you! Love your opinions and ideas!

    1. Jen you are blessed. Hey so you are from Puyallup? I went to school in Portland knew a few people from Puyallup small world.

  2. I just sat down yesterday with our youth guy and discuss together what we wanted to see kids and youth experience and be at by 18. It is the first of many future chats.

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