6 questions every leader needs to ask after a big event.


We just got back from camp it was another amazing year and God did some amazing things in the hearts of the kids that attended. Our kids pastor and his team did a great job. Now that I am back I do what I do every year question everything.

Planning the event is huge, but the thing that we often neglect is the pulling the event apart. It matters little at this phase whether the event was a success or failure because this is actually the first step in planning the next event or planning to cancel the next event. I know that I have avoided this part because of insecurity, but more often because I am done with it and on to the next thing. I have to recognize that my confidence doesn’t come from how well the event went or my ability to keep going. My confidence as a leader comes from putting my hopes and dreams in Christ. When you understand that your worth and your confidence comes from him it gives you the strength to kill a program that you have done for years or the wisdom to make that same program better than it’s ever been.

Here are 6 questions I ask myself after each event we do.

1. Am I doing this program or event because “it’s always been done” Is this event in line with the values and the vision of the church currently?
2. Did we accomplish what we wanted to accomplish with this event?
3. Were we good stewards of the money this event cost the church to pull off?
4. If this is something we are going to do next year how can we involve families in the process?
5. Did I have the right leaders there? How can I leverage the planning, running and reflection of this event to grow the leaders under me?
6. When all is said and done was Jesus magnified more than we were?



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