The Eric Trap

Very excited that our Book is done after  2 years of hard work and dreaming up the idea for a different kind of collaborative book project. I love that The Eric Trap is a story about a kids pastor written by kids pastors. Being a leadership fable the story pulls you in and the principles reinforce the things you read in the fable.

Even though this book was written by kids pastors the principles in this book apply to kids pastors but really to anyone on staff at a church. It was lots of fun to write lots of work but really proud of our group. Writing a book with a group of people is no small feat. Kenny and I wrote the story of Eric Brother Jim and the rest of our infuse team wrote the principles everyone did such a good job.

The book officially goes on sale at the Orange Conference. We’ll be doing a book signing. Everyone will be able to get it after Orange. However, we do have some books we’re giving away for bloggers to review and give away. If you are interested in getting a copy to review on your blog/Amazon… please click here.

Excited to share Eric’s story with the world and very excited to find out what happens with Eric next.

Here is what some people have to say about The Eric Trap. 

Every leader in your organization (staff or volunteer) who has even a remote desire to control things can benefit from The Eric Trap – please don’t limit this book’s audience to people who serve in children’s ministry.  This book provides us with a dead accurate description of the dynamics of ministry, coupled with practical, insightful principles that can guide any leader out of the leadership traps we place ourselves in.  Jim, Sam, Kenny and their team write with clarity, power and insight that make this book hard to put down.  I think this book is great.  The topics talked about here are not just Kidmin issues, but also Student ministry issues and even Senior Pastor issues. (it’s why most churches don’t grow past 100 people).  This is a leadership book! Well done!
Senior Pastor
Connexus Community Church

“The “Eric Trap” takes ministry leaders on a dark, serious, and scary journey into the world of working in a church and balancing your priorities.  It was eerie how much the story mirrored my own story in so many ways.  I believe the “Eric Trap” can be a game changer for those willing to shine the light into the dark places of their own pastoral lives.  It’s on the other side of change that the insights gained from this book pay off in a rich way!”

Next Generations Ministry Pastor,
Trinity Church,
From the very first introduction of the book with the story of Eric I was engaged. Without a doubt leaders will identify with different aspects of Eric’s story and the “Eric Traps” we have all either faced or experienced in ministry. If you are a children’s, student’s and/or family ministry leader I would encourage you to get this book. This book will bring clarity by helping leaders see what is important and showing that when you make a deposit in others God will build you & the ministry you serve in.
Jim Wideman, Sam Luce, Kenny Conley and the entire team do an amazing job to identify how you as a leader can rise higher and help you avoid the pitfalls that challenge leaders in ministry. I highly recommend “The Eric Trap” !
Pastor and Director of Ministries
Lakewood Church


2 thoughts on “The Eric Trap”

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