Guerrilla Parenting: What Makes You Feel Better?

The Power Of Family.

At the end of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it adds a few scenes that were not in the original movie. For me these last few scenes made the movie so much more powerful than the original movie with Gene Wilder. It really drove home that the four kids and their parents who didn’t make it out of the factory misunderstood one thing. The power of family.

Charlie didn’t have all the things that the other kids had but he had so much more. He had a family that loved him enough to believe in him and give him boundaries to keep him safe.

Family is God’s idea he created it to be a vehicle to show his power and love. When functioning well it is a shining beacon on a hill. But we must teach our kids self-control, right priorities, we must refrain from giving our kids everything they want while giving them proper boundaries and teaching them to respect their elders.

Family is important we must never forget the power of family. We are bombarded daily by so many things that call themselves important but really aren’t. The spouse and/or kids God has given you are your main assignment. You only get one shot. Make the most of it.


7 thoughts on “Guerrilla Parenting: What Makes You Feel Better?”

  1. Love it Sam!! My oldest son did a post for me a while back and he called it ACCEPTABLE CHILD ABUSE. He said that parents who give their kids everything were guilty of ACC! great post.

    1. Thanks Chris appreciate your feedback it's so true. Giving your kids everything they want is one of the worst things you can do as a parent.

  2. Love this! The family is definitely the most powerful social unit for shaping a child's character. I think that Satan loves to get us parents off track by thinking that the church, the school, the soccer team, the small group leader—whoever or whatever else—will fill this role for us. But we must "train up the child in the way he should go." Great reminder! (And I love the connection to Willy Wonka!)

  3. Great thoughts Sam! This movie really does display some extreme but clear examples of how not to raise a child!

    I think the out-workings of love can become distorted misaligned if we're lining up with the worlds views. The clearest example is in Christ. We will know how to truly love when we allow Christ to love us. I believe everything needs to flow out of intimacy. If a child can witness a great love behind the discipline, then they will be more inclined to change out of that love.

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