Which conference is the greatest?

Tomorrow I will go into more detail about why I think Orange Conference is unique but today I want to touch on something that I have noticed out there I call “conference supremacy.” It seems in my experience that some conference goers feel that the conference they attend is the only conference that should be out there. I disagree wholeheartedly. I may have a conference or conferences that I prefer, I however am grateful at the many options out there.

Cliff and I had a conversation the other day about how cool it was that there were so many options of conferences and how each one is unique in its own way. He wrote a great blog post about it today.

The one conference he doesn’t mention that I will be at this year is Napkin –

What makes Napkin unique

1. It’s put on my a local church. I am a huge believer in the local church.
2. Every single speaker currently serves on the staff of a local church
3. Napkin is about making big ideas a reality.
4. The format is smaller and fosters a collaborative feel
5. I have known Pastor Benny for 15 years and respect the heck out of him.
6. I get to meet Dave “The Legend” Wakerley. Very excited.

Cliff is much smarter than I am so instead of trying to duplicate what he said here is the link to his post today.


2 thoughts on “Which conference is the greatest?”

  1. I'm looking forward to hearing what Napkin looks like this year.
    When it launched, it seemed like a BRILLIANT idea!

    Keep us posted!

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