Happy Anniversary My Love.

13 years ago today my lovely wife and I were married. Unbelievable how fast it goes. Three kids later and I still remember the butterflies I felt when I first shook her hand. I still get those feelings when I see her walk through the door after a few hours of conquest at Target.

If you have been married for any amount of time life will hand you your fair share of good, bad and ugly anniversaries. Our first two anniversaries were unique in that they were spent at other weddings. For our tenth we went to Paris with our best friends. Many of our other anniversaries have been spent in less dramatic fashion over a dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Our third anniversary was the day after 9/11 which was by far the most sobering I remember eating dinner at our table crying and feeling guilty we still had each other after so many had lost their mate the day before. Then there is this year I have been sick for a while and now at home recovering from Lyme’s disease there is something about a disease that comes from ticks that saps the romance from the air.

The one thing that has not changed in all those years and all those circumstances is my love and commitment to the woman who fills my life with joy and our house with peace. She is more than beautiful to me she is everything to me. In the past few weeks I haven’t been able to do much and in the last few days I’ve had to be in bedrest she has taken care of me and our kids. It’s humbling and honoring to have someone  serve  you in that way especially on your anniversary. It’s in that vulnerability that your love has a chance to deepen when you know everything and see everything about your spouse and love them still that’s when falling in love moves from a feeling to a reality.

Happy Anniversary babe, you mean the world to me.

8 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary My Love.”

  1. Mrs Luce you are beautiful! My bridal portraits scream "1998!!!!" but yours is classic and beautiful and looks like a pose a photographer would choose today! Happy Anniversary to you both. Enjoy each other!

  2. I met the Mrs. a few weeks ago; and I can attest to her uniqueness! Sam is one lucky guy to have such a special romance going for 13 years with such a special woman.

    Happy Anniversary to my favorite Yankee Fans!

  3. Mrs Luce you are beautiful! My bridal portraits scream “1998!!!!” but yours is classic and beautiful and looks like a pose a photographer would choose today! Happy Anniversary to you both. Enjoy each other!

  4. I met the Mrs. a few weeks ago; and I can attest to her uniqueness! Sam is one lucky guy to have such a special romance going for 13 years with such a special woman.

    Happy Anniversary to my favorite Yankee Fans!

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