How to Communicate to kids – Illuminate Birmingham.


I just got back from Illuminate – Birmingham. What a great conference there is something so cool about being part of a conference that ministers primarily to volunteers. 2/3 of all the attendees were volunteers. I believe that Illuminate is going to grow into a movement that will transform how and what we think when it comes to conferences. I am so grateful my friend Kenny Conley heard from God stepped out in faith to create something that the Kidmin community needed. If you didn’t go this make sure you go next year. If you live with in 6 hours of Austin Texas load up the church van with as many people as the state of Texas allows and get down to illuminate Austin. You and your team will be better for it.

Huge thanks to everyone who came to my breakouts at Illuminate I had a blast and I hope you did as well. Here are my Outline for my talk on “How to communicate to kids.”

How to Communicate to kids. 

Communicating to to anyone especially kids is more of an art than a science. –

To communicate to kids you need the following

  1. A love for God’s word

Psalm 119:89-93

89 Your word, LORD, is eternal;

it stands firm in the heavens.

90 Your faithfulness continues through all generations;

you established the earth, and it endures.

91 Your laws endure to this day,

for all things serve you.

92 If your law had not been my delight,

I would have perished in my affliction.

93 I will never forget your precepts,

for by them you have preserved my life


  1. A love for Jesus – When kids understand the gospel it changes them. – When they see what Jesus Did they worship him. – perspective same church 14 years.


Romans 1:16-17
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile

For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Communicating to kids in large group setting. 

  1. Always maintain eye contact
  2. Don’t stay in the Safety Zone
  3. Don’t just give kids facts
  4. Talk to kids like people not babies –
  5. Use massive amounts of energy. – (VIDEO)
  6. Help kids focus – Use lights, segments and music
  7. Be relevant
  8. Use your Bible -.
  9. Distill truth don’t simplify it.
  10. Always elevate Christ


Communicating to kids in a small group 

  1. Listen – Kids want to talk listen to them.
  2. Know you lesson, know you lesson –
  3. Take every question seriously.
  4. Be there for the families of you small group kids.

Communicating to kids one-on-one

  1. Get down to their eye level
  2. Make sure you always great the kids before the parents. 
  3. Give kids your full attention when they are talking.
  4. Respond to kids how they respond to you


  1. The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School – Aaron Reynolds
  2. Jesus Storybook Bible Deluxe edition – Sally Lloyd-Jones
  3. An Hour on Sunday – Nancy Beach
  4. Creating ever cool – Gene Del Vecchio 

1 thought on “How to Communicate to kids – Illuminate Birmingham.”

  1. Thanks, Sam. This is good stuff that I can use to remind my volunteers! Birmingham and Austin are a bit far to take my team from San Diego. I appreciate you putting this stuff on your blog!

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