My 1000th Post and thoughts on #kidmin Community

After 4 years of blogging I finally hit my 1000th post. Ha! A full year after my good friend Kenny.

I just want to thank all of you who have joined me in the conversation. I am really looking forward to the next few years. I say this all the time. I started blogging to help kids pastors who are just starting out and what has happened is I ended learning more from all of you.

I look back at those 4 years and I think of how much God has done in me. I think of all of the friends I have made that I would never have known any other way. I am so grateful to be part of such a life giving community. I talk to youth pastors, production people, and worship guys and they are all jealous of community that we have created in #kidmin. They wish they had something similar. It still blows me away that I have made lifelong friends over Al Gore’s internets, crazy!

So 1000 posts later thank you all for have you have helped me grow as a leader and how you have helped our church be more effective in reaching people far from Christ. It is so great to see kidmin leaders from all over the country working together to advance the Gospel.

Acts 4:32-33
32And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.
33And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all.

Thanks for all you do you are more of a blessing than you will ever know. Let’s keep working together and building the church. Looking forward to the next 1000 posts maybe I’ll beat Kenny even with his 1 year head start.

8 thoughts on “My 1000th Post and thoughts on #kidmin Community”

  1. Congratulations Sam! Your insightful wisdom and passion has made your blog meaningful, but I believe it is your heart to serve, humility and desire to really help people that makes stand apart from the rest.
    You're a great example and godly leader to us all. I appreciate your sense of humor, style and looking at things from a different angle.

    I look forward to the day when we celebrate your 5000 blog post!! –

  2. Congratulations Sam! Your insightful wisdom and passion has made your blog meaningful, but I believe it is your heart to serve, humility and desire to really help people that makes stand apart from the rest.
    You're a great example and godly leader to us all. I appreciate your sense of humor, style and looking at things from a different angle.

    I look forward to the day when we celebrate your 5000 blog post!! –

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