Group Kidmin Conference: Why you should register. What you can save.


Very excited to be going going to Group’s Kidmin Conference.

Why you should register.

1. Connect Groups groups created to make a large conference small. Groups designed to force you to connect with other kids pastors so a conversation can start that you can take home with you and relationships can start that grow into something bigger than any conference you could ever go to.
2. Dynamic Speakers There are so many great speakers some are close friends some I have yet to meet. Some you have heard speak before others you will be hearing for the first time. I am so pumped at the possibilities.
3. Deeper Tracks – You can dig as deep in a topic as you want. Track will be 6, 4, and 2 hours. You can choice how in-depth you want to go.
4. No Blue M&M – Kidmin conference is unique because there will be no green room for the speakers. Every speaker you see on the website will be hanging out talking with, praying for and encouraging you. That my friends is worth the price of admission.

So join me in October. It’s only May and already I can’t stinking wait!

What you can save.

Use the code SLUCE11 when you register and it will take $25 off all standard registrations (this excludes the spouse and student rates as those are already at the lowest.)

Before May 31, 2011 Before August 25, 2011
Type Early Bird Registration Advanced Registration Regular Registration
Individual Conference Rate $359.00 $379.00 $399.00
Group of 5+ $339.00 $359.00 $399.00
Spouse of Registered Attendee $289.00 $289.00 $399.00


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