Give Away Tuesday: Kidmin Leadership

Jim Wideman has been a part of all of the major shakeups and startups in children’s ministry today. This week is another first for kids ministry. There have been many people who have offered mentoring programs in kidmin but none as successfully as Brother Jim. The idea that you would be able to keep 12 kidmin leaders together for two years is incredible and even more incredible is for the first time ever a group of people in a mentoring program have written a book. I have had the priviladge of reading it ahead of time. Here is what I thought.

“There are lots of leadership books out there, but when I come across one that is written by kids’ pastors for kids’ pastors, it gets my attention. I love the fact that this book is not full of theories; it is full of actual experience founded in biblical truth. Every chapter provides a different perspective that cumulates in one voice calling children’s pastors and church leaders alike to up their game and lead; because what we do is eternal, and the Gospel demands it.”.  I highly recommend you order a copy.

If you would like to win a free copy of the book tweet the following.

@samluce is giving away a free copy of Kidmin Leadership from @jimwideman over at #kidmin #infuse

Kidmin Leadership

What happens when you combine:

·                A mentor and coach who for more than thirty-five years has successfully trained hundreds of thousands of local churches’ children’s and youth leaders;
·                Twelve kidmin leaders from various denominational backgrounds, a range of leadership levels, and a variety of life expe­riences;
·                Two years of an intense iron-sharpening-iron program which included more than twenty mentoring phone calls, four retreats, and count­less hours on a private forum at
That’s simple—this book!


6 thoughts on “Give Away Tuesday: Kidmin Leadership”

  1. Anything by Jim Wideman is great, and combining Children's Ministry and Leadership and all that into a book..awesome! Totally sharing this post!

  2. Anything by Jim Wideman is great, and combining Children's Ministry and Leadership and all that into a book..awesome! Totally sharing this post!

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