Free Online Collaboration Tool:

I came across this tool the other day on Techcrunch. It is a free open-source collaboration tool. A few months ago when we were working on God To The Rescue we used Google Docs. It worked but it was a bit cumbersome. We are about to start working on a curriculum for Summer of 2012 and Christmas of 2011. This time around we are going to try I think this tool is going to be perfect here’s why.

1. Has milestones – You can keep your project on task with goals and milestones. We got God To The Rescue out a bit later than we wanted. I do much better with deadlines so this is very nice in a collaborative setting.

2. Has chat – you can do a live chat with one or more of your collaborators

3. Has document editing.  I like this because it is keept someone different than google docs. I use google docs quite a bit. I like it but the interface is a bit cluttered and I prefer editing in Pages.

4. They are working on internal email – again this would be perfect for collaboration everything in one place.

5. It’s free – free is always nice.

6. It’s a great way for me to work on multiple projects at one time in one place.


I’m using it to work on collaborative curriculum development – Other uses I could see

1. Multi-site anything
2. A great way to leverage and empower volunteers
3.VBS planning tool
4. Camp planning tool
5. Leadership development.

It’s a great free resource that you need to at least check out even if you don’t end up using it.

6 thoughts on “Free Online Collaboration Tool:”

  1. Sam.

    Thanks for sharing this tool. I have been looking for something for online team collaboration for awhile. There are a lot of choices but it is a bit overwhelming to look through them all.

    If this one doesn't work out, I created a pretty exhaustive spreadsheet on other options that I would willingly share.


  2. Sam.

    Thanks for sharing this tool. I have been looking for something for online team collaboration for awhile. There are a lot of choices but it is a bit overwhelming to look through them all.

    If this one doesn't work out, I created a pretty exhaustive spreadsheet on other options that I would willingly share.


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