Happy 4th Birthday Samluce.com

Well last week was a bit crazy lots going on and I totally missed my Blogging birthday back on April 14th. So I am wishing myself  a happy belated birthday. Fun fact about samluce.com is that my blog is 2 weeks younger than my good friend Kenny’s Blog back four years ago the only people that read my blog were Kenny and my mom. I am pretty sure that 4 years being 28 in dog years would be 78 in blog years so Kenny and I are lifelong friends who have know each other 4 years.

I love celebrating my blogging birthday because it helps me take stock and look at the past year of blog posts and see what I have learned and decide if I should continue another year.

Here are some of the highlights for me from the past year.

1. Creating a free Easter curriculum with Gina, Dan, and Jonathan who I met through my blog. It was amazing to see God use each of our talents to bless our individual churches and the #kidmin Community. Here is a link to the post about it.
2. Helping a friend and fellow blogger win Tony’s final four
3. Meeting some other really great people I would have never met any other way.
4. Loved connecting with so many of you at Orange 2010 It was a total blast!

What am I most excited about for this year?

1. Working on a Gospel Centered Christmas Curriculum for 2011 and a special summer curriculum in 2012. With the talented people on board it is going to be a huge blessing for our churches and for the kidmin community
2. Connecting with more of you at Orange, Group’s Kidmin and at Napkin.
3. Blogging about some of the stuff I am passionate about.
4. Building the local church anyway I can.
5. Meeting Andy Stanley (Hey this is my birthday blog I can make a wish before I blow out the candles can’t I)

Well 4 years 975 posts 3417 comments and countless many friends later. I am blessed, and humbled that any of you out there read my blog and am grateful when you chime in. I have grown and learned so much from each of you. If I would have known the huge blessing this blog would be to me 4 years ago I would have started blogging 14 years ago.

You guys are the best!

10 thoughts on “Happy 4th Birthday Samluce.com”

  1. Happy 4th birthday to your blog. I'm so thankful for the content that you put out. I want you to know that I am truly honored to be considered your friend. Thanks for being a Paul to so many Timothy's like myself.

  2. Happy Birthday SamLuce.com/OneWay/all the other names it has had. It's been a fun 4 years! BTW… tell your mom I said hi! Ha!

  3. Happy 4th birthday to your blog. I'm so thankful for the content that you put out. I want you to know that I am truly honored to be considered your friend. Thanks for being a Paul to so many Timothy's like myself.

  4. Happy Birthday SamLuce.com/OneWay/all the other names it has had. It's been a fun 4 years! BTW… tell your mom I said hi! Ha!

  5. Barbara Graves

    Happy Birthday to your blog, Sam! I so appreciate your heart for God and kids and all those who share that passion. Praying tonight that God blesses you back with the same generosity that you have shown to so many. Can't wait to see you at Orange!

    1. Thanks Barbara was so great meeting you last year. You are such an encouragement grateful for your voice in Kidmin. See you at Orange!

  6. Happy Birthday to your blog, Sam! I so appreciate your heart for God and kids and all those who share that passion. Praying tonight that God blesses you back with the same generosity that you have shown to so many. Can’t wait to see you at Orange!

    1. Thanks Barbara was so great meeting you last year. You are such an encouragement grateful for your voice in Kidmin. See you at Orange!

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