Don't vote for me. Vote for Jared.

Influence in my mind is measured not by how great people think you are but how you can leverage those feelings of goodwill to help others.

I know that I am not the most influential blogger in children’s ministry and being included in the original field of 60 and still be here with the remaining four is humbling to say the least. What I want to do with my final four position is to use whatever influance I have to help a friend of mine win this competition.

Kenny had this idea. What if we combined our influence and help push a Blog that may not be as established but is equally deserving. What if we focused our energy to help one of our friends achieve something he may or may not have been able to achieve on his own.

If you have voted for me in previous rounds thank you so much. I ask you to vote again but this time for my friend Jared. He is a stand up guy who is a bi-vocational kidmin (meaning he has a full time job and is a kids pastor, father, husband). I had the opportunity to interview him for my podcast, my takeaway. Jared is a great guy. I have a ton of respect for people who work a full time job and do kids ministry full time. I grew up in a home where my dad was a full time pastor and worked full time most of my life. It’s not easy and on Sundays like today when I am wiped out from a full and crazy sunday, I remember how blessed I am to be able to do what I do and focus on it all week.

Would I love an iPad2? Heck yes! I am I more excited to be apart of something bigger than iPad? Absolutely.

So do me a favor head over right now and vote for Jared Massey (Small Town Kidmin)


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