How to stay warm if you live in the South.

This winter has been very cold especially if you live in the south. I can’t remember a winter where there was more snow and cold weather than this one, there was the Blizzard of ’93 but this year has been colder by far.

I thought I would put together a little guide to help my friends in the south stay warm.

1. Stand in groups.
2. Stack wood or shovel something both actives guaranteed to keep you warm.
3. If you have a hot tub use it if you don’t have one make one.

4. Drink warm things we here up north drink coffee like it’s our job.
5. It may not warm you physically but it will warm your heart to receive tweets from people in California telling you how they are wearing flip flops. Just thinking of it now warms my heart.
6. Wear something warm. If you can’t buy something warm. Kill something and wear it.

7. Take you pick up truck out for a drive, crank the heat and turn up Brooks and Dunn.
8. Fly to Cupertino – Not sure where exactly it is but it comes preloaded on my iPhone weather app. And their weather mocks me daily.
9. Burn something – always works

10. Throw a party fill your house with fellow southerners and make fun of people who live in South America because they could never handle the cold winters in the south.

8 thoughts on “How to stay warm if you live in the South.”

  1. Sam, Sam, Sam, What can I say. Have you met ALL my relatives?! I think I would be offended if it weren't so true. 🙂 Really though the trick to staying warm in the South is to move farther South. If only I were more proficient in Spanish!

  2. Sam, Sam, Sam, What can I say. Have you met ALL my relatives?! I think I would be offended if it weren't so true. 🙂 Really though the trick to staying warm in the South is to move farther South. If only I were more proficient in Spanish!

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