Blogging A beginners guide: 10 ways to grow your blog.

In recent posts I covered Why and the What of blogging today I want to talk about the How. How do you drive traffic to your blog, how do you help more people.

1. Write about stuff that other people will find helpful. If you only want to get people to stop by once or twice but when you consistently write about stuff that really helps others word will get out.
2.  Come up with great blog titles. They make your stuff easier to find through search engines and they pull the reader or potential reader in. If a picture is worth a thousand words a well titled blog post is worth a thousand hits.
3. Create a rhythm and stick with it. Blogging becomes a relationship of sorts the more consistent you post your blogs the more people will get into the habit of stopping by for new content.
4. The more you quality posts you post the more traffic and links will follow.
5. Respond to everyones questions, if they leave a comment respond, if someone emails you reply.
6. Comment on the blog posts of others. Start the conversation for others, no one wants to be the first to leave a comment, and link to others
7. Leverage social media – Use twitter, facebook and to get your content to the people it can help.
8. Keep your posts short and to the point.
9. Be yourself, there are a lot of ways to be pretend to be something you are not online. Be genuine. I am sure I have ticked a few people off with my blog but those people would never have really liked me anyway, and I am ok with that.
10. Make a post every now and again that has a list people love blogs with lists. I can’t explain it. Christians love lists and especially lists of 10.

Happy Blogging. Let me know if there is any way I can help you or if you have any bloggy questions.

6 thoughts on “Blogging A beginners guide: 10 ways to grow your blog.”

  1. Sam, I am enjoying this series on blogging. I have not been blogging for all that long so I appreciate the experience you are passing along.

  2. Sam, I am enjoying this series on blogging. I have not been blogging for all that long so I appreciate the experience you are passing along.

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