A Thin Man's Guide to losing Weight: Chapter 4.

Use the stairs.

I just started watching “Biggest Loser” I know I am late to the party. It reminded me I need to get back to my little blog serise called “A Thin Man’s Guide to Losing Weight”.

*caution rant alert* I have this theory in life that people who are trying to lose weight always ask other people who are also overweight advice on how to lose weight. I in all my years have never been asked advice on how to lose weight. I find this odd. I thought one thing I could do is write a little blog based book on how to lose weight or keep unwanted weight off. *rant over*

So chapter 4: Use the stairs.

One of the things I do fairly often is I try to use the stairs rather than take the elevator. This may sound stupid trivial and strange but I think that doing something small like take the stairs helps to reinforce the fact that diet alone can not solve unhealthful. You must change your lifestyle. I say unhealthiness because you can be unhealthy no matter what shape presently are in. When you are in a unhealthy lifestyle you need to take small steps to see big results. For people who work all the time you need to look at your environment and try to build in activity so you can still do what you need to do for work while focusing on making small healthier choices one “literal” step at a time.

If you are ever given two options take the road less traveled. You will thank me later.

So chapter 4 is rather short but if you take the simple action of getting active when people in our country work so hard to creative innovative ways to facilitate inactivity. We are blessed in this country. We have little go carts in our grocery stores so we can ride instead of walk. Why are people thinner in Europe has less ingenuity, smaller portions, and no all you can eat or drink anything. (They do however smoke like it’s their job over there. I guess every Country has it’s vice, ours happens to be food)

So take it from a thin man if you want to lose weight, use the stairs.

2 thoughts on “A Thin Man's Guide to losing Weight: Chapter 4.”

  1. Glad to see you pick the book back up again. So, after I walk up the stairs, it makes me hungry, so I pop a bag of popcorn. Is that bad?

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