Planning an event: Steps I take

I recently outlined our process for doing events in kids ministry while talking with one of our interns. So I thought I would share it with you all. This is what it looks like for me.

Event Planning for kidmin.

1. What result am I looking for? What is the win? How will I know if this event is a success?
2. Answer all the basic questions.

  • Who? – Who is the event for?
  • What – What will take place? What will it cost?
  • Where – Where will the event take place?
  • How – How can parents engage?
  • When – Date and time.

3. Practical preparation –

  • Communicate with parents, take home fliers, word of mouth, and FB
  • Communicate with staff. Make sure you have no conflict with rooms, staff or dates
  • Communicate with the church as a whole through church announcements, FB and website.
  • Think through the amount of volunteer positions you will need filled.
  • Recruit the appropriate number of volunteers.
  • Determine budget.
  • Make a list of todo’s before/during/after
  • Prioritize todo list and set due dates.

4. During the event do the things only I can do and make sure the other things are delegated.

5. After the event Evaluate and Celebrate.

6. Tweak for next time.

5 thoughts on “Planning an event: Steps I take”

  1. Another Great Post Sam! We have recently decided to focuses on around quarterly Friday night parties. So that our kids will have a way of connecting their friends to the church….and this post is defiantly is a "God Send"!

  2. Good, solid points. And on the issue of making sure there are no conflicts with the church or staff, I’d also suggest cross-checking the public school calendar and local city events calendar for big events that may affect participation for your event.

  3. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (September 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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