Lessons for the long haul

I want to start a new blog series talking about lessons I have learned and am still learning about how to last in kids ministry.

I haven’t been around as long as some have but I have been around long enough to see many people come and go in kids ministry. Ministry in general can be very hard at times, I know I have felt like quitting many, many times before. I want to discuss what are the things you need to remember if you want to make it in kids ministry.

It should be the goal of every kids pastor to train a generation behind them the value of ministering to the youngest among us. If we do not have what it takes to last we will never have the voice of authority to speak to those God is calling to come along side and eventually replace us.

If we do not last, if we take the path of least resistance we make the road for young leaders difficult to navigate because they have no one speaking into their life. When I started in kids ministry I didn’t have another kids guy or gal speaking into my life helping me avoid some of the bonehead mistakes I should have avoided.

Ecc. 4:12 says:

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

We were not meant to do life or ministry alone. When Jesus sent out his disciples he sent them out in two’s. He knew that ministry alone is never a good idea.

I don’t know everything about this topic, and I ask you to join the discussion. In my experience there are clear principles that can be learned and need to be rehearsed and most of all practiced if we are to survive the challenges we face in leading no matter what size church you have or where on earth you minister. We are are called to make a difference not just in terms of weeks or years but in terms of decades.

4 thoughts on “Lessons for the long haul”

  1. This is good Sam! I look forward to reading more posts on this subject. I have been around long enough to see many people come and go as well. Not just in Kidmin, but just in ministry in general.

    We live in a time where the enemy is attacking more than ever. We MUST stick together. That is one reason I have been so blessed being a part of Infuse. Not only have I gotten great leadership training, but I have made relationships with other kids pastors that I can talk to. People that will pray with me, and for me.

    I value your investment here! Thanks again!

    1. Couldn't agree more Joe. We need eachother. Infuse has been great I love getting to know other kids pastors for me having Jim speak into my life has been an answer to prayer. Great comment Joe, we need eachother to do what God has called all of us to do.

  2. Pingback: Top 10 in 2010–Best Articles from The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol | Dad in the Middle

  3. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (September 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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