Free Bible Lesson: 1 & 2 Chronicles

1 & 2 Chronicles

– Book of Israel’s History

Key Point –Difference between good and bad kings
Memory Verse – Acts 13:22 “…God said about David ‘David the son of Jesse is the kind of person that pleases me most! He does everything I want him to.’”

Skit – Have people come out and act like a king – kids guess which is good or bad – Have people come out with crowns on their head doing something either good or bad, the bad king could say something like lets all bow down to the giant chocolate bunny, the good king will say why don’t we worship Jesus. The bad king does obvious bad things the good kind does obvious good things.

Skit – Who you listen to – makes you a good or bad king. – Interview each one and find out the differences between good and bad kings – Have one person be the host of a “talk show format type thing”. His two guests are a good king and a bad king. Have the interviewing host asking questions finding the difference from good and bad kings. (questions could include things like: Who do you talk to most, who do you listen to most, what do you do for fun)

Object Lesson – Soap & pepper – as soon as the soap hits the water the pepper scatters – you will need a glass pan fill it with water place it on the overhead projector, pour pepper over all the water it should cloud up and appear much darker than before the pepper was placed on the water explain how when we sin it clouds our heart and when Jesus comes in he brings life and Joy that push away darkness. To push away the pepper as you are explaining what Jesus does when he comes into your life drop a few drops of dish soap all the pepper should automatically go to the edges.

Object Lesson – Light overcomes the darkness. – turn down the lights and ask the kids if they think that darkness is stronger or if light is stronger? (let them answer) Tell them that light always overcomes darkness. The Bible tells us that greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world.

Puppet – Puppet comes up with a crown on it’s head the MC greets the puppet and the MC asks the puppet if he is a good king or a bad king the puppet asks what’s the difference. The MC explains the difference between a good and bad kind is how much you love Jesus. Good kings love Jesus a lot bad kinds don’t love Jesus at all.

Bible Story

1 Chron. 15 – David bringing back the ark. – Was a man after God’s own heart.
2 Chron. 28 – Ahaz – Evil king set up places to worship other gods

1. Good kings – Obey quickly/ Evil kings – do whatever they want to do. – If you want to be a man or woman after God’s heart you have to be a person who obeys quickly. Someone who finds out what God wants you to do and do it quickly.
2. Good kings – know how to say they are sorry/ Evil kings – never admit they are wrong. – Was David perfect? No he made plenty of mistakes what made him different from evil kings like Ahaz is David knew how to ask forgiveness when he made a mistake, he knew he needed God’s forgiveness of his sin.
3. Good kings – Trust God/ Evil kings – Trust themselves. – To be a man or woman after God’s heart you have to trust God not yourself.

Small Group

Activity –
Bring some things that taste good (Sugar, Sweet Chocolate) and some things that taste bad (Salt, Bitter Baking Chocolate). Have four kids come forward and give them each one thing to taste. Two will get what is good two will get what is bad explain to the kids after they have tasted their items that you can’t always judge what someone is like from the out side (because salt and sugar look alike, sweet chocolate and bitter baking chocolate look alike). You tell weather someone is good or bad by seeing how they live their life.

Do you know someone who is a bad person?
What are they like?
Do you like being around them?
Do you know someone who is a good person?
What are they like?
Do you like being around people that are good?
Was Jesus good or bad?
Are we suppose to be like Jesus?
10.What is one thing you can do this week that is good not bad?

2 thoughts on “Free Bible Lesson: 1 & 2 Chronicles”

  1. Hi fellow Kingdom builders!

    Thank you so much for sharing your lesson with us! I will be using this on Wednesday night with my K-2nd graders. I love it when we can share ideas. Thanks!


  2. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (September 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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