Camp Update – Day 2

Well we had a great second day. We started with rain and ended with sky, so that was great.

We started out with chapel talking to the kids about the two things they need a testimony (writing down what God has done for you) and a testament (reading the bible.)

It was far to cold to go swimming. It was drizzling out so we had to for the first time in years put plan B into effect. Plan B consisted of 13 minute to win it stations inside where every member of each team would get an opportunity to play each game. The final round each team would pick one person to represent their team and do all 13 challenges.

After lunch the rain cleared long enough for us to play a wide game outside, called gold rush. After that we did another plan B activity, we called it Rainy day Olympics (everything sounds better when you call it the Olympics. We played, 2 base baseball, dodge ball, and toilet paper relays.

Caleb drove up from Albany just to preach then get in his car and head back home. He did an amazing job. It’s a weird feeling to sit and listen to a kid speak to the campers of the very camp he attended. It’s a weird feeling. He preached that our lives were meant to be poured out. In order for us to live generous lives we need to have God pouring into us so we can pour ourselves into the lives of so many. Lots of kids were ministered to! Looking forward to see what you want to do tomorrow.

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