Churches I'd go to if I didn't work there: Hillsong

A while back I did a post about a church I would attend even if I didn’t work for that church. The first church I mentioned was the church I work at Redeemer Church.

The next church on my list is Hillsong. I love Hillsong church

Why I would attend Hillsong.

1. They are inovative. – It started with modernizing worship music, moved to creating a youth movement, then came children’s ministry, next I believe will be media. They do an amazing job of engaging culture in a relevant way. They use the tools of the generation to tell a timeless story of redemption. That is something Charles Finny advocated in his lectures on revival and something I would give my life to be a part of.

2. They are passionate about reaching people far from God. – Every church says that this what they are about because we are commanded by Christ himself to GO not every church lives it.

3. They Honour the past but are more loyal to the future. – I have heard Pastor Brian say this a few time. I love it. In order to keep moving on and keep taking ground you have to…well…keep moving. It is so easy to get stuck in what works or what we used to do that we stop growing and stop reaching out and become satisfied.

4. Every person I have met from Hillsong has made me want to know Christ more. – I don’t know a lot of Hillsonger’s but the one’s I do know are amazing. I am sure some of you out there know someone from Hillsong who is the opposite of amazing but the truth is we all have people in our church who may not be completely representative of who we are, yet. I have formed a freiendship with Funny Man Dan and have had a few interactions with David Wakerley and Nathan Mclean all three men I respect more than they know. Nath actually took time out of his busy schedule to take my pastor around when he was in Hills recently. Thanks Mate! I have had Funny Man Dan call me out a few times when I wasn’t thinking or speaking in a way that reflected Christ (now that’s a friend), he is also currently reading through the bible with me and Kenny. How cool is that? If Hillsong has any more men and women like these fella’s (and I suspect they do) I would attend a church like theirs in a heartbeat.

What about you? Why what church would you attend and why?

2 thoughts on “Churches I'd go to if I didn't work there: Hillsong”

  1. kidinspiration


    It is an honour to have you speak so highly of us!
    We shall meet in the flesh soon I hope!


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