What is Bible Bucks 2.0?

Bible Bucks 2.0 is honored to have won the 2010 Children’s Ministry Expo JawDrop innovation award.  In case you are not familiar with what Bible Bucks 2.0 is I thought I would do a brief blog post explaining it.

why use Bible Bucks 2.0?
I have been a kids pastor for a few years now and in the course of those years have tried everything there is to do bible bucks
1. Custom name tags with points updated for each kid by hand. (was I crazy)
2. Paper money (kids getting beat up for bible bucks in the bathroom (bible buck bullies do exist)
3. Stamp books at check in (slowed check in down massively, and books got lost and washed all the time)
4. Bible Bucks 2.0 (The Best Tool By Far)

Here are couple of posts I have done about Bible Bucks 2.0

Top 10 Kids Ministry Resources: #5 Bible Bucks 2.0

Announcing Bible Bucks 2.0!

Bible Bucks 2.0 Objections

Bible Bucks 21st Century Style.

3 thoughts on “What is Bible Bucks 2.0?”

  1. congrats on the award! Thanks for taking the time to talk me through this back probably about a year ago. Still think it's great and would like to implement it in our ministry.

  2. Pingback: This Week in Children’s Ministry for 7/21/2010

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