Biggest Give Away Yet!

I would like to start by thanking all of you who stop by my humble little blog I find you comments and interactions so helpful thanks for stopping by. I want to do something I have never done. I would like to get some info from you anonymously and give away the biggest prize package I have to date. I will have no way to know you did the survey so you are on your honor. fill out the form and tweet that you did and you will be entered to win.

What will you win? You will get prize package containing music from the lads, promises by Shout Praises Kids, Lead Vertically, A boy and girl backpack from Integrity music, Shout Praises Kids Video, Kidmo and Little K curriculum and Beat the Clock

What do you need to do? Simply fill out this anonymous survey and tweet this: “@samluce I just entered to win the biggest prize package ever over at You should to. #kidmin #cmconnect #free”

If you don’t have a twitter account feel free to leave a comment on this post saying you filled out the survey.

25 thoughts on “Biggest Give Away Yet!”

  1. Pingback: Upping the ante | Sam Luce

  2. Pingback: Upping the ante | Sam Luce

  3. Yippee! Cool free stuff! At least I'm not a total stalker now.

    Thanks for all your insight Sam! You're the best

  4. Yippee! Cool free stuff! At least I'm not a total stalker now.

    Thanks for all your insight Sam! You're the best

  5. I just filled out the survey! I really do enjoy reading your blog, even though I practically never comment.

  6. Pingback: @thejaymart: the tweet directory of Jason Martin » @samluce I just entered to win the biggest prize package ever over at You should to. #kidmin #cmconnect #free

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