11 thoughts on “You need to read these books!”

  1. Tale of Three Kings is a MUST READ for all leaders! I read it at a time that I was going through some pretty rough times at the first church I was on staff at. It definitely opened my eyes.

  2. Tale of Three Kings is a MUST READ for all leaders! I read it at a time that I was going through some pretty rough times at the first church I was on staff at. It definitely opened my eyes.

  3. oh my gosh! great blog minds think alike! i had a very similar blog waiting to be posted – and it even had a picture of my bookshelf, just like you! but you did it first – i guess that’s why you came in 2nd in the blog madness competition 🙂

    1. Ha! That's funny. Kenny usually does the same thing to me. I have a post in my que and he goes and blogs it first, all the time. I always know how I feel now I know what Kenny feels. LOL Looking forward to meeting you at Orange.

  4. oh my gosh! great blog minds think alike! i had a very similar blog waiting to be posted – and it even had a picture of my bookshelf, just like you! but you did it first – i guess that’s why you came in 2nd in the blog madness competition 🙂

    1. Ha! That's funny. Kenny usually does the same thing to me. I have a post in my que and he goes and blogs it first, all the time. I always know how I feel now I know what Kenny feels. LOL Looking forward to meeting you at Orange.

  5. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (April 2010) | Dad in the Middle

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