If I didn't work there I'd attend there: Redeemer Church

One of the highest compliments you can give a church is that if you didn’t work there you would attend there. I know there are many people who can’t say that about where they presently work. I don’t think I could ever work someone I wouldn’t feel comfortable attending if I didn’t work at that particular church.

As a church leader it’s an important question to ask because if you find yourself saying you wouldn’t feel comfortable attending the church you serve you need to get busy making change happen or you need to change where you work. It’s really that simple.

I am going to mention a few churches I would attend if I didn’t work there this is by no means a comprehensive list partly because I haven’t visited every church out there partly because I don’t have time to list every church. It’s ment to be more of a list based on principles I value.

The first church I’d attend even if I worked there (which I do) my church.

Why I would attend Redeemer.

1. They value children and youth ministry. – It is something that is more than lip service or a stated value on our website. It is part of who are pastor is and he is willing to do whatever it takes to reach the next generation not just talk about it. That is something that means the world to me as a Father first and a children’s pastor second.

2. They are passionate about reaching people far from God. – One of the reasons we renamed our church Redeemer Church is because it describe who we are as a church and at the same time exalts Christ.

3. They are not afraid of change and mistakes are welcomed. – I have been to churches and been part of churches were change is the enemy and mistakes are punished. I have found that you can’t truly find who you are in Christ without some level of risk and you will never be willing to risk if you are going to punished for mistakes.

4. It is a charismatic church that is passonate about reaching seekers in practical ways. I know that may sound strange but it’s true. One of the things I think every charismatic church can and should learn from our Baptist brothers is that Jesus heartbeat was lost souls. His final words were Go not soak.

What about you? Why what church would you attend and why?

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