Give Away Tuesday!

Hey it’s time again for a Give away Tuesday. I had the amazing opportunity to meet “The Lads” a few weeks ago. They graciously gave me some of their products and my boys LOVE them. People in children’s ministry are always looking for fun fresh music for their environments I strongly suggest The Lads Band.

Why do I love “The Lads”

1. They are passionate about reaching kids far from God.
2. They are a part of and believe in the local church
3. The think outside the box
4. Few bands for kids have early punk undertones. (I love me some punk-rawk)
5. They have a great sense of humor.
6. They gave me some free stuff.

If you have never bought or listened to their music do it today!

I thought I would give away a DVD of their TV show that they  made. It has 5 episodes + bonus features. Here is how you win it.

In order to be entered into the drawing simply follow me on Twitter and tweet the following:

@samluce is giving away a free copy of @theladsband TV show DVD over at #kidmin #cmconnect

Contest ends this friday. Good luck.

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