What I learned from Infuse

My first year of Jim Wideman’s mentoring programis over and the next year is starting. It has been a great experience. Spending time with and getting to know other kids pastors from all over the country has been amazing but for me the best part of Infuse is getting to know Brother Jim. I love brother Jim’s candor, his love for people is tangible and even though he’s a big shot he doesn’t care that he is one and you get the feeling if he was just a kids pastor in a local church he would be just as happy.  I like that.
When I was starting out in ministry I would have given anything to sit down with a veteran in ministry and ask a billion questions. Now that I have been doing kids ministry for a while I think I understand and value the importance of have a mentor relationship even more. Every needs a mentor and everyone needs a disciple
I thought it would be a good idea share some of the things I have learned.
  • Kids ministry like all other ministry is about serving others not being a big shot. Jim lives this. He loves people.
  • Our greatness is measured in our ability to love others and glorify Christ not by how many followers we have on twitter or how many comments on our blog.
  • Building ministry that lasts consists of patience, pouring into other leaders, and loving kids.
  • Priorities determine how you spend your time. Where you spend your time determines who you become.
  • Ministry is a long distance challenge not a sprint.
  • Burn out comes from being overwhelmed for a long period of time.
  • Thankfulness is the best tool we have to fight burn out.
  • Always hire people who have more loyalty than talent.
  • Ministry is about making disciples not making money.

3 thoughts on “What I learned from Infuse”

  1. Great review of INFUSE, Sam!

    One that I would add is this: Serve your pastor. Brother Jim honors authority of his Senior Pastor – what a great example!

  2. Great review of INFUSE, Sam!

    One that I would add is this: Serve your pastor. Brother Jim honors authority of his Senior Pastor – what a great example!

  3. Pingback: The Children’s Ministry Blog Patrol (March 2010) « Dad in the Middle

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