Vote for me!

Tony over at is doing a #kidministry blog madness competition. I am in the running for the east. I don’t follow college sports that much but I think I would be part of the big 10 or the big east. Either way I am hoping to win in a big way so if you would head on over and vote for me I would appreciate it.

What I like about Tony’s idea is that in a very fun way he is exposing people to blogs they would never have known about. I know just in trying to size up the competition I stumbled upon a couple of great blogs I had never heard of before. So bravo Tony, thanks for coming up with a fun way to get the competitive juices flowing as well as provide a way for us to find new blogs we haven’t heard of already.

So go ahead get out there and Rock the Vote.


11 thoughts on “Vote for me!”

  1. Sam-

    As much as I wanted to vote for you, I had to throw my vote to Stacy at CapCityKidz. She's a local gal here that is part of my Kidmin Networking group.

    I still love your blog, so keep writing!!

  2. Sam-

    As much as I wanted to vote for you, I had to throw my vote to Stacy at CapCityKidz. She's a local gal here that is part of my Kidmin Networking group.

    I still love your blog, so keep writing!!

  3. Yes, go vote for Sam Luce – the Duke, Kentucky, or North Carolina (well, not this year) of the Kidmin Blog Madness tournament this year. He certainly deserves it.

    And, as a special bonus, when you're voting for Sam, scroll four easy blogs down the list and vote for Dad in the Middle as well. Remember, a vote for Dad in the Middle is a vote for world peace, all the ice cream you can eat, and puppies!

    Come on now, all I ask is that you give Dad in the Middle a chance to lose to Sam by an even more embarrassing margin in the next round!

    -Shameless self-promotion, check
    – Encourage votes for Dad in the Middle, check
    – Hijack another well-meaning kidmin blog in the interest of friendly competition, check!

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