New Children's Ministry Volunteer Shirts

I talked about iconic values last post. One way I plan on using the icons I created of our values is in our volunteer shirts. I think having a large icon on the front will stimulate conversation that will force volunteers to repeat our values and by teaching others they will internalize those values themselves.

I would love to get your honest feed back on our shirts So you have context as to why I did what I did:

I chose black shirts because I find loud “fun” shirts are good as a short term shirt like VBS and the like but a shirt you wear almost every week has to have some sort of fashion element.
Only the icon of the value is on the shirt on purpose this is to force our volunteers to remember and rehearse our values to others.
I want our branding on the shirt but I my eyes who we are is formed much more by what we are about than what our logo is. This is why the uptown brand is so small compared to the icon.

So that’s some of my thoughts going into the creation of our shirts. Let me know what you think.

10 thoughts on “New Children's Ministry Volunteer Shirts”

  1. I like the shirt with the four icons in a row. Maybe if you had the Uptown logo on the back left or right shoulder (sort of like a tatto)…

    I like your thoughts on why you are doing what you are doing, though. Great going with an icon to represent a value

  2. Sam, I like the one with the 4 icons in a row. I think that is perfect where it is … or you could center it underneath the icons. Love the icons and what they stand for, too … think that these could be worked into some rules/regs for kids??

  3. i agree that i like the second one better – but it wouldn't spur me on to ask what it means if I saw someone wearing it on the street. I think if you did four shirts, with four logos, that's be awesome – but I recognize the limitations in doing that.

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