Are you supposed to be a Children's Pastor?

Tony Kummer has a segment on his blog that he calls the children’s ministry thinktank. He asks 5 different children’s ministry leaders a question and posts their response. He just posted everyones response it is worth the read and very interesting to see how different kid’s pastors view calling.

Here is my response to Tony’s first question:

Does God call some people called to Children’s Ministry?
I believe he does. Actually I believe on of the things that preserves a kid’s pastor is that unshakable sense of calling. I know that many time I have felt like quitting the one thing that keeps me from doing so is remember the moment I was called into the ministry. Every person I know that has made it for the long hall have one thing in common they can tell you the exact moment they were called into ministry.

I learned something and perhaps you can to.  Head on over and see what everyone else had to say.

Here are a couple of  posts I did a while back on the same topic

Are you called? Kids Ministry 101
Do you have vision? Kids Ministry 101

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