Guest Blogger: Jonathan Cliff

I began talking with Jonathan Cliff over blogs, email and twitter a couple a years ago those few cyber connects have grown into a God connection that I am so grateful for. I know that I felt like there were no other kids pastors out there that thought the way I thought about a whole host of issues, so when Jonathan and I started talking I was so encouraged to know that there was at least one other, skinny, white, male, puppet hating kids guy out there.

In the past couple of years I have gotten to know JC (that’s what his homies call him.) and I have been so blessed to have a friend, and fellow minister who I can call up and get honest feedback from. From his insightful blogposts to twitter conversations and phone calls I have learned much from Jonathan over the past couple of years and thank God for brining him into my life. I also appreciate his sense of humor, the guy kills me all the time. It is not often I talk with someone via instant message and laugh my head off the whole time.

Ministry can be lonely at times but I have learned that it doesn’t have to be. I am blessed to count him amongst my friends.

If you are not reading Jonathan’s blog you need to be. His last series on kids pastors he hates was stellar.

2 thoughts on “Guest Blogger: Jonathan Cliff”

  1. Ha! Brought a tear to my eye. 🙂

    I like how JC has been back-pedaling with his hate series, explaining that it's not about the hate and how your link above literally says "kids pastors he hates." So funny!

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