Giveaway Tuesday: ReThink Exit Interviews.

For most of you out there you know that I am a jaded former uber fan of the “hit TV show” 24. I thought I would do a Orange Week Giveaway that would have all the hype and drama associated with Jack Bauer. Plus the product I am giving away is called “Exit interviews” Jack gives those to bad guys on a weekly basis.

On this DVD from the reThink Group

Everybody Needs to Hear This: Exit Interviews:

Together, they reinvented ministry to children and families. In four different churches in four different parts of the nation, they designed programs that ministered to thousands of children every week. Their ideas defied schoolroom-inspired Sunday school models and shattered accepted standards of Christian education. Now, as each one has expanded beyond those original churches into national ministries, Reggie Joiner, Sue Miller, Craig Jutila and Jim Wideman are able to speak openly and honestly as never before.

I am tempted to sign up to win this myself. Is it unethical to win your own contest. I’ll have to run that one past Jack. Anyway. I have a massive amount of respect for each person on this DVD. They have impacted my life a kids minister in ways they may never fully understand.I am great-full for their influence and anytime I can hear more of their heart and what they have learned I am down with that.

If you want to win here is what you do.

Tweet or set your Facebook status to the following

RT @samluce Orange week give away! Win an non-autographed copy of exit interviews from the ReThink. #kidmin #orange10

(if you do not tweet or FB – print out the previous statement and verbally read it to a co-worker)

THEN leave a comment saying you did so.

*The contest will last 24 hours if you have watched the show lots can happen in 24. So do it now

25 thoughts on “Giveaway Tuesday: ReThink Exit Interviews.”

  1. Hi Sam – I retweeted your message here & would love to win this resource. This is a topic that is difficult to find content on but something that all of us will experience over the course of our ministry "career" in one fashion or another. Thanks for offering it!

  2. Just catching on to Orange Week this morning. Feeling a little behind. Glad to discover this contest. I've drooled over that resource before but got to devour it! It's be retweeted!

  3. Just catching on to Orange Week this morning. Feeling a little behind. Glad to discover this contest. I've drooled over that resource before but got to devour it! It's be retweeted!

  4. I just posted the status on my facebook! Thank you for being passionate about Orange! My husband is the youth minister and I am the children's minister at our church and we have been trying to implement Orange for the past year. So far it is slowly beginning to catch, which has been fun to see.

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