Welcome Home, welcome home

I know I said I was taking a blog holiday but my last post got lost in cyber 301 redirect land. So if you are coming here wondering what the heck is going on, welcome to the new and Lord willing final home of samluce.com. I had been thinking of separating my blog into two more focused categories stuff for Uptown and stuff I am thinking about. That’s what I hope to do have more focus on two blogs than try to do to much on one blog.

Well I am glad you stopped by. I have a few things I need to work on still. Priority #1 get un-blacklisted from Google. In the process of setting this site up, Google saw something they didn’t like and I got blacklisted. So I got blacklisted from twitter and now google all that is left is facebook.

Anywho thanks for stopping by I look forward to continuing our conversation for years to come.

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